Tuesday 19 July 2011

Life gets in the way

The biggest challenge at the moment seems to be finding the time to do music, and I am sure I'm not alone in this - life just keeps getting in the way.  For once I have a surfeit of new material all ready to record and perform, but no time to work on it.
Curiously there's plenty of spare time in the office - but you can't record there... ( I have managed to become a bit more active in the forum world - so thats step 1 of the plan underway)
Given that time is limited the temptation is to make a list of all the thing I want to do, this is fine as long as you don't actually expect to get them done!  What to do instead?  Well I guess what's required is to ensure that any "spare" time can be used to the full - and I have as plan for this!
1. Practice - make sure there is space available to play.  And get my teach yourself this, that and the other books out so that instead of random riffing or knob twiddling I do a few pages of one of them
2. Rehearsal - I want to play songs at open mics in the area so set up amp, mic and guitar and sing the songs I want to perform "as live".  And decide which songs they are going to be.  And learn them properly so that I don't need the music :-)
3. Recording - Get the basic right. I have a tendency to record lots and lots of tracks of "almost" parts, the majority or which get muted/deleted from the final version.  So I am going to concentrate on 4,5or 6 tracks for each song and get them right (well played/recorded).  If the song desperately needs a final additional kbd part that can happen later.

So with my new highly focused methodology I should be able to build my new album and gig circuit.. step.. by painful...step.

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